Teens Draw Near to God
Teens Draw Near to God utilizes creative arts and life lessons to Deepen Your Relationship with God. Have you ever been inspired by a poem, a song, a painting that brought you to tears, your knees, or even back to the arms of God? Well, I have, and I love to use art as motivation to do good and to love God more If you long to deepen your relationship with others, yourself, and God, then listen to this podcast weekly to get a double dose of poetry inspiration plus the Word of God.
Teens Draw Near to God
Music: The Divine Portal
Overcoming Sexual Immorality Through Faith and Fasting
Host Shirah Chanté guides teenagers, parents, and mentors on a spiritual journey to draw near to God through poetry and personal testimony. Exploring a poem from her book 'Jaundiced View,' she delves into the topic of sexual immorality, its physical and spiritual consequences, and shares her own experience of healing through faith, fasting, and prayer. The show emphasizes the importance of maintaining sexual purity within the sanctity of marriage and provides encouragement for those seeking to correct past mistakes and live godly lives.
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:02 Exploring the Book 'Jaundiced View'
01:29 Finding the Poem 'Music'
04:10 Reading and Analyzing 'Music'
05:52 Marriage and Exceptions
09:17 The Divine Portal of Sex
14:15 Personal Testimony and Healing
21:49 Conclusion and New Year Wishes
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Draw near to God, don't fear. Draw near to God, don't fear. Draw near to God, don't fear.
Hello and welcome to Teens Draw Near to God! I am your host, Shirah Chanté, Relationship Artist, blessing God's people, and I'm So happy you're here. Teenagers, parents of teens, coaches, therapists, counselors, pastors, youth pastors, whoever wants to see teens fulfill their God given destiny. This is the show for you.
We are exploring poems from my book, Jaundiced View. It's a book of poetry and You can find it on Amazon. The subtitle is desire, love, hate, religion. And I just lost my place for the poem when I picked it up. So I'll have to find that. And, today's poem is going to be called music. So what we do is we go through and we read a poem and we see how this point can inspire us to draw near to God. And that simply just means to get closer to God. Looking for my poem here. Bear with me. Bear with me. Oh Lord. I was like, ah, I didn't put the The bookmark. I have a bookmark right here. Shirah Chante, why don't you use your bookmark? Well, I know I should have, teenagers. So last week we talked about birthday party and we talked about jealousy.
And so I hope you've had a chance to see that show, hear that show. And if you didn't go back, because you need to be able to contain jealousy. You get rid of it, have control over it and master it because it can definitely dampen your life if you do not, deal with that issue. Evil, evil, emotion, spirit, thing, whatever you want to call it, jealousy can be a downer in life and we don't want to be down.
And that's one thing we're going to talk about today with this toy music. If I can find it, I don't know why it's taking me so long to find it, oh God, help me find it. Holy Spirit. Ah. Oh, I see. Okay. Okay. So it's not a very long poem at all. It's like something I could memorize by heart, but for some reason, by the Lord, it's like it's not in here.
Okay. Let's try again. So you can visit me at shirachante.com. I I have other poems that I write during the week, on my site. I also have some books, other books that I have written, and you can, look at those books and some children's books and some devotionals. And so, oh my God, this is like so weird.
I like, when I opened it, I came like right to it. And I usually, I am like, this is so weird. Okay. Okay. Okay. Music finally. My God. Okay. So I'm going to read the entire poem. We're going to go through the poem. and see how we can get closer to God. Thank you for bearing with me as I find the poem.
Preparation, Shirah Shante. Preparation. Well, it was open. Okay. And then it was closed and now it's open again. So I'm going to read the entire poem music. Here we go. A love is cherished forevermore. Never closing the door. Eternal Bliss exists. Never say goodbye. Never undo the tie, unless of course, love making is near.
Oh, the kisses. I adore for more mine forever to divulge in the warm skin of the flushed flesh. Oh wait. There must be the flicker of the organ. Oh, exciting is the lure of ecstasy's rhythm. And that is the poem, Music! See, I told you it wasn't a very long poem at all. Okay. Now, a love is cherished forevermore.
Never closing the door! Eternal bliss exists. So when I hear this, I think of a marriage. Because a marriage is something that is a union, between a man and a woman that is holy and united forever. You're making a promise before God that God will, This is the woman you're going to be with forever. This is the man you're going to be with forever.
And so a love is cherished forever more. Never closing the door. Eternal bliss exists. Never say goodbye. Unless,
so I want to talk about some exceptions, say it's your Sunday, just say it's your Sunday. Just, just, just give it to us. Give it to us. Okay. I will. So marriage is between a man and a woman. It's holy. It's a. promise to be with this person forever. However, there is an exception. Sometimes marriage doesn't go as planned.
And I know, and the Bible says God hates divorce and he does. So do I. We, divorce isn't fun. I've been through a divorce. Yes, she or Chante has been through an ugly divorce. It's not good, however, if you marry the wrong person, if you marry, if you're with someone who is abusive, if you are in danger of your life, then that's not someone you want to stay with.
So there's an exception because sometimes we don't get it right. Moses in the Bible provided people with a bill of divorcement because the husbands were hardening their hearts against their wives, meaning they just didn't love them anymore. That's one reason.
And Jesus says, there's not really any reason to get a divorce unless there's sexual immorality involved. So if the husband cheats on the wife. Then that's a reason for divorce. If the wife cheats on the husband, then that's a reason for divorce. You're breaking the covenant by having sex with someone else by, yes, it's adultery now that doesn't mean you have to get a divorce if there's adultery in the marriage, but that's not where I want to go.
I just I want to say that there are exceptions in marriage, that there is sometimes a necessity to get a divorce, and that's because probably it wasn't the person you should have married in the first place. Been there, done that. And, had the sneakers for a long time and, you know, it's, it's a painful process.
However, You have to make things right in life. And, there's, so what happened is, I'll say a little bit more. I'm trying to decide how much to divulge here because our show is called Music The Divine Portal, Music, the Divine Portal. Okay? So Eternal Bliss exists. Never say goodbye. Never undo the ties.
Isn't that what we think about marriage? Oh, it's so beautiful. Oh, eternally. Oh, we're together. Yes. Unless, of course, lovemaking is near. Oh, Shirah Chante. I just got a new revelation out of this. Never undo the tie. Unless, of course, lovemaking is near. Lovemaking. Lovemaking. Remember what I was just talking about.
If the husband is having sex with another woman who's not his wife, or if the wife is having sex with another man who's not her husband, it's a reason to undo the tie. That is, it's a reason. Oh, the kisses I adore forevermore. Mine forever to divulge in the warm skin of the flushed flesh. Oh wait, there must be the flicker of the organ.
Oh, exciting is the lure of ecstasy's rhythm. So in this poem, I'm using music as an analogy to sex. I'm just going to be plain and simple. Make it plain here, Shirah Chante. Okay, it was a parable. I wrote a little parable here, but I didn't think you were getting it. I didn't think you were getting it, so I have to be plain, okay?
So this is about sex. All right. And so the divine portal. Sex, wow, can open. Many doors in your life that are, shouldn't be open. Let's just put it like that. From, I mean, we know there's physical, consequences to having sex like diseases and, maybe unwanted pregnancy, pregnancies, things of that sort.
However, there's a spiritual side. The spiritual aspect to making love, to having sex, we say, which is pretty much the same thing as making love. We use that as a synonym for making love, having sex. It just sounds nicer when you say making love, right? I don't know. Because we don't really make love, right?
Love, God is love. So we don't make it. It, God, love exists. And that's true. That's real love. Unconditional love. God's love. But there's different kinds of love. So sex will be one of those. We say making love. So. It's a divine interface. It's a divine portal that you open when you have sex with someone else.
In the spiritual realm, something is opening, something is being formed, something is being connected together. And it could manifest into your life physically in the form of, in your body in the form of fibroids, fibroid tumors, cancers, different ailments can be brought into your life because of sexual immorality and they come in spiritually, but they manifest physically.
So Paul, I, this, I know this is a little deep this morning, teenagers. I'm really, Paul talks about how. If you're bind, if you're combined with someone sexually, then you become one with that person. So whatever they're carrying, you get some of that. Ooh, do you know what they're carrying? That makes it a little different, huh?
Is this 30 seconds of the flicker of the organ worth it? Oh, wait, there must be the flicker of the organ. Is this 30 seconds of. Oh, exciting is the lure of ecstasy's rhythm, orgasm worth it, to be combined with someone?
And all they have in their body. It's very, very dangerous. I've been through this. I've been through sexual immorality. So I'm very well, I'm very well apt to, to talk to you about this. And I can recall a time when I was combined to someone who was not, someone I should have been with. And it was not a good turnout.
It didn't happen very well for me. My body started having issues and I had to overcome a lot of things physically, and that's why I talked about fibroids earlier. I ended up having these fibroids and I'm like, where the hell did this come from? And my doctor was like, Whoa, what happened here?
And I was like, Oh my God. And I knew. This is because of this illegal sexual union I was involved in. And so I was combined to this person in the spiritual realm through sex. It's a physical act, but it opens up, it's a divine portal that opens up the spiritual realm. Ah, and what came in. This is really deep.
I really, I wasn't trying to go this deep, but okay, were, these manifestations of these fibroids and, and what the Lord revealed to me, were, these were souls. And I was like, Whoa, this is really, okay, Shirah, you getting a little spooky. You get a little spooky, Shirah Chante. I'm just telling you, this is the revelation the Lord gave me.
And that these were, This person had sex with so many people and was not a good person. And I thought, was, and the search for love, the search for love, my search for love. And so anyway, I had to, my job was to get rid of these, this manifestation of these. tumors in my body that I had been implanted inside of me by having sex, illegal sex with this man, meaning I wasn't married to him.
So I opened up this portal, this divine portal that, was, should not have been opened. Okay. Sex is for marriage. It's a, it should be. And if you're violating that portal, that's supposed to be divine and you're using it in a way that is, illegal, immoral, then things are going to open up and happen in the spirit.
So don't be surprised if you have sex with someone and afterwards, something doesn't feel right. So how did I, what happened? What, give us the end. What's the end result, Shira Shunte. Help us with this. Okay. Number one, don't get involved with sexual immorality. That's number one. Number two, if you do, like I did, I had to go through a series Like of fasting and prayer, I had to cleanse my body and because there is really no cure, no, no one has a cure for these little tumors.
So I just had to pray and fast. Fast, meaning I just didn't, you go certain periods without eating. And so I just fasted every week. I would go certain days where I didn't eat. And I just did this over and over and over. And eventually. My body was cleansed. So, but it took a lot and that was very scary.
And so when I went back to the doctor and she examined me and she's like, wow, how did you get rid of what happened? How did you get rid of these fibroids, these tumors? And I said, well, I just, I prayed and I fasted. I was honest. I, it wasn't medicine. I did try to take some medicine, some healing herbs, some, maybe they would have helped a little bit, but once it's like, Hmm, what really helped was the fasting and prayer.
So if you get into a situation like I got myself into, and I opened up this divine portal that of sex, which is really supposed to be a marriage, but I was using it in a way because I just needed someone to love. And I know in our generation, we equate sex with love. You can fast and you can pray and ask God to heal you.
And he will, because he's faithful and he knows that we make mistakes and he knows our weaknesses. And so I had a weakness and having sex with this man who was not good. He was bad. He was bad. He was a bad apple. And, got myself into a pickle in my body and I had to cleanse myself. And so, eventually all of those fibroids left my body through fasting and prayer.
So, that's, one way to correct a, an issue that you're having in your body due to opening this portal of sexual immorality using something that God created to be holy. In a way that is unholy, is not right. So I pray for you today that you will not get involved with sexual morality. I hope I've scared you.
I hope, I hope I've been, I hope I've said, I hope I've said something that where you were like, Oh, I don't know about that sex before marriage thing. You know, I mean, I know it's rampant, but you don't have to, it's not what you think it is. It's so much better if you just do it God's way.
And I know some of you have already had sex and are already having sex. And I pray you stop seriously. And I, it's, it could be a battle. It was a battle with me and my life, but God healed me and he made me whole. And, he made my body whole and my mind whole and my spirit whole, my heart whole.
So, Father God, I ask that you make these people whole who have engaged in sexual immorality and have ended up with issues in their own body because of illegal sex, because of having sex outside of marriage, and that you would heal them, that you will help them fast, that you will help them pray, and that you would heal them supernaturally because it's a spiritual And so it needs to be healed in the spiritual realm.
And then that healing will manifest in their body in the natural realm and the name of Jesus. I pray. All right.
Didn't really know I was going there. I'm so serious. Sometimes I just get on them and, I'm like, Lord, I'm going to open my mouth and you fill it like it says in the Psalms. So. There you go. I'll see you next time. And you know what? I forgot to tell you happy new year teenagers and those who watch this show, who have teenagers in their life and you want them to live godly.
Happy new year. This is 2025. Let's do it this year. right! Let's not, let's come on. Let's no sexual morality. All right. Okay. And remember to love God, love you and love people.